For over 4 million years of human existence, before the advent of artificial lighting, we went to SLEEP when the sun went down and woke up when the sun came up.  More recent guidelines from TCM, Ayurveda and current research point to 10 pm –to-6 am as a good goal; it activates the Serotonin-Melatonin cycle.


Establish Circadian Rhythm (follow the sun) – “desperately important” per Dr. Perlmutter, MD [2].  Clears out dead cellular matter (autophagy), as part of rejuvenation.



Serotonin flows when you feel significant or important. Loneliness and depression appears when serotonin is absent. ……. Princeton neuro-scientist Barry Jacobs explains that most antidepressants focus on the production of serotonin.

Reflecting on past significant achievements allows the brain to re-live the experience. Our brain has trouble telling the difference between what’s real and imagined, so it produces serotonin in both cases. It’s another reason why gratitude practices are popular. 

[ hence, Count your Blessings ]



Make FRIENDS Finding the right friend is easy; compared to being the right friend!Meditate -- learn to observe oneself, on the path to becoming "the right friend" to those whom you like.


When in MINDFULNESS Meditation, you're NEVER ALONE


     -- proven effective, SCIENTIFICALLy

In this, the Internet era, we have numerous channels for meeting interesting people – those who share our interests. But it’s easy to feel rejected, and find oneself alone.


The BLISSinHEALTH 1-minute meditations will start you on a path to being calm all-the-time; using the power of your subconscious – regardless of your belief system: any religion or no religion.  You'll receive the tools to put into practice the other techniques suggested in this article.


Dialogue is the language of friendship.  The three steps of Dialogue


- mirroring, validating, and empathizing;


discover the other, grow into our potential, and experience connection



 ===============   BLISS Approach :  Comments  

BLISS has processed the vast array of recommendations in hundreds of scientific articles; to provide you easy-to-use approaches to channeling your emotions -- customized to your specific age, health status, budget, weight, height, personality, etc. Example: there are many holistic approaches to increasing your joy in life (support groups, meditation, walking in nature), but we believe BLISS 1-minute Meditations, will be a good starting point to most individuals -- but individual personalities and beliefs must be taken into account! You may obtain such individual adjustments quickly, by going ONE on ONE, with an BLISSinHEALTH Facilitator, now.  And then we’ll coach you monthly, so you may maintain your progress.


Click here for a FREE initial consultation



Together with other approaches, depending on the individual(s); we’ve found Harville Hendrix’s Imago Therapy, to be a good foundation.



"It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them"

Ralph Waldo Emerson



 Trained BLISS Facilitators will provide the quickest / most-effective steps -- applicable to your unique personality, budget, and schedule

Click here for a FREE initial consultation

You’ll receive just the science (no hype)

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Information and statements regarding dietary supplements, or any other healthcare protocol, provided herein; have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration in the USA, or any similar Agency in another country, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. BLISSinHEALTH assumes no liability for inaccuracies or misstatements.


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